Thursday 11.03.2021
Published10 03 2021, 17:00
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wet snow


New snow



Wet snow represents the main danger.
Especially on steep sunny slopes only isolated small moist avalanches are possible as a consequence of warming during the day and solar radiation. These can be released, even by a single winter sport participant. Individual gliding avalanches can also occur.
The new snow of the last four days can be released by a single winter sport participant in isolated cases in particular on very steep northwest, north and northeast facing slopes above approximately 2000 m.
Restraint should be exercised because avalanches can sweep people along and give rise to falls.
Shady slopes and adjacent to ridgelines: The snowpack is favourably layered and its surface consists of loosely bonded snow lying on a crust that is barely capable of bearing a load.

Sunny slopes: Sunshine and high temperatures will give rise from early morning to increasing moistening of the snowpack.
At low altitude from a snow sport perspective, in most cases insufficient snow is lying.
The danger of dry snow slides will increase during the day. Significant decrease in danger of moist avalanches as the temperature drops.