Tuesday 23.03.2021
Published22 03 2021, 17:00
Danger level
Avalanche Problem
Wind-drifted snow


Wet snow


Wind slabs are to be evaluated with care and prudence. Moist snow slides and avalanches as the day progresses.
The somewhat older wind slabs of the weekend are lying on top of a weakly bonded old snowpack in particular on wind-protected northwest, north and east facing slopes above approximately 2100 m. In addition the more recent wind slabs of Monday adjacent to ridgelines on east, south and west facing slopes and at high altitudes are prone to triggering in some locations. The avalanche prone locations are to be found in particular on wind-protected shady slopes and on wind-loaded slopes. The avalanches can in many places be released by people and reach medium size. As a consequence of warming during the day and solar radiation gliding avalanches and moist snow slides are to be expected from midday, but they can reach medium size in isolated cases.

Backcountry touring and other off-piste activities call for experience in the assessment of avalanche danger and careful route selection. Fresh and somewhat older wind slabs are to be bypassed whenever possible.
30 to 40 cm of snow, and even more in some localities, has fallen since Friday above approximately 2000 m. This snow and in particular the extensive wind slabs formed by the strong northerly wind are poorly bonded with the old snowpack on wind-protected shady slopes above approximately 2100 m. Field observations and stability tests show a sometimes precarious avalanche situation.

At intermediate and high altitudes snow depths vary greatly, depending on the infuence of the wind. At low altitude from a snow sport perspective, in most cases insufficient snow is lying.
Significant increase in danger of moist avalanches as a consequence of warming during the day and solar radiation. The danger of dry avalanches will decrease gradually.